Good Day Rain Clouds!

I officiated a wonderful wedding this past Saturday which was in an open field, outside, next to a beautiful lake. Now its summer in Florida, and this ceremony was held at 11am.

When creating this ceremony with the bride and groom they discussed the trees and breeze off the water and voiced their assurances that all would be well. The summer heat would be easily tolerable.

Fast forward: Wedding Day!

The sky was dark and ominous.  TV is glued to the weather channel as I am readying to leave…rain is certainly possible today. Plan “B” may become our ceremony location – the clubhouse where the reception would be held.

Upon arrival the sky is dark and cloudy, but medium to light darkness and no rain has fallen. We decide to gamble and stay outside. Everything goes beautifully!

The skies are dark – a tremendous lightning and thunderstorm can be seen south of us (and heard during the ceremony!) but for us the weather actually was perfect. The grey sky kept the heat of the sun at bay, and everyone was comfortable with the temperature. And the photographer loved the lighting!!

In hindsight – the bride and groom realized that if it had been a sunny day – the heat would have been sweltering and uncomfortable for everyone!

Outside ceremonies – Remember to fully assess and think carefully about your location and time. Weather can play tricks on you, as it did this past weekend – Who’d of ever thought we would be delighted with grey cloudy almost rainy skies?!!!


About Patty

Hi, I'm Celebrant Patty Clark Celebrants create personalized ceremonies and officiate at all types of life events.


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