Every morning, the first thing I do when I get up is ‘gong’ my singing bowl. It makes the most beautiful ringing sound and I let it drift off into silence.
With this action I create the intention of having a wonderful day. It doesn’t take long, once the gong is done I spend maybe 30 seconds expressing gratitude for my life and well being, and putting positive thoughts into my mind.
That’s the start of my daily routine.
So, when action has meaning, intent, it becomes a ritual. For instance – my daily affirmations and gratitude moment with my singing bowl.
That is a ritual. There is personal, internalized intent behind my action.
Ritual is important. Action with intent can help address our need to feel connected –to ourselves, our families, to each other and the world.
As a Celebrant I look to discover meaningful ritual to include in our ceremonies, but you should also look to discover ritual to include in your everyday life. Create your own daily mindfulness!!
Endeavor to put ritual into your life. Think about how you can do this and if you want to share ideas or rituals of your own, please do. You might inspire someone else!
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